What does it mean to be a mother?
With flowers in my arms
And fluorescence in my heart
I am available and patient
It brings me so much joy
To see all my children come to me
Bees, butterflies, ants, wasps, birds, people…
I love them all the same
I do not compare or favor
I do not judge or punish
I do not force them to come to me
I just am. With an open and full heart
They seem to all know that I am here
And come to me when they need me.
I welcome them with an open heart
And never say goodbye when they leave
Because I know that they always come back
They don’t seem to mind
That some seasons I am full of flowers
And some seasons I am empty and frozen
They come regardless
Because they know in their hearts
That what I have to offer is not in all the gifts that I can give
But in the home that I am
With the doors always open
Always warm and welcoming
Even when the weather is harsh
Non-judgemental, non-discriminating
All-accepting and all-loving.
Where they can find a home within themselves
No matter who they are
No matter the season
No matter the weather
Come visit if you will.
My door is always open!