A message from the bees on TOGETHERNESS
We are the bees. We are a collective. We have been here since the beginning of time.
We pollinate and create life. We move the energies around and blend them. We are part of the life force of this planet.
We work together as one. And we never work.
We are force and gentleness and vitality and calm, all in one.
We unite. We love all. We move from flower to flower. We greet. We celebrate. We honor.
We blend in. We adapt. With a gentle touch we meet, and we leave bowing in gratitude.
We feel the colors. We feel the gentle touch of a flower. And we LOVE feeling.
We work individually and we work together.
We celebrate the beauty of all that is, together.
We honor the sacredness of all life, together.
We create the nectar of life, out of love for humanity.
The sacred amber healing medicine.
We grow in community, and we die alone.
We know that there is no death
And yet we celebrate our passing with an exchange
A sharp gift to remind you that, although we are gone,
If you happen to receive such a gift, honor it,
as the blessing that it is.
We know no separation. Because there is no separation.
There is only love, joy, community and celebration.
Our collective bows to yours in gratitude for sharing with us
the miracle that is being here
on this extraordinary planet
Learn from us if you will. We are great teachers.
To the love of life! – The Bees