Heal with Marconic Energy, the Ascension Frequency of 144,000, a Full Spectrum MultiDimensional Energy that comes directly from Source
Raise your vibration, shed density and karmic imprints
Connect with Higher Dimensional Aspects of Self | Align with your Soul Level Identity
Please read this page before booking! You can BOOK a 1hr REMOTE Marconic No-Touch Healing Session here.
Please reach out if you have any specific concerns and you are looking to receive healing for more than a session! We will be working together to create an appropriate package for you.
The Marconic ‘No-Touch’ Healing Protocol is the Evolution of Energy Healing, and can be received as an on-going therapy. It raises your vibrational frequency by running Marconic Energy - encoded with Light information - through selected points on the body’s own Axiatonal grid, triggering profound spontaneous healing (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, whichever is appropriate).
The goal of a ‘No-Touch’ session is to raise your frequency so high that you have an opportunity to connect to Higher Dimensional Aspects of Self.
Post session, your vibrational frequency will gradually settle into a higher resonance having achieved an incremental lift in base vibration, according to your Spiritual evolution. Repeated sessions will raise the vibration incrementally to incorporate higher activations as you shed density and karmic imprints. You can BOOK a 1hr REMOTE Marconic No-Touch Healing Session here.
What happens in a session?
The sessions are remote. We are connecting on the zoom invite that you are receiving, to see if you have any questions. We then disconnect, and you receive for about 30-40 minutes. You will be laying down and relaxing, without any music, aromatic oils etc, to make sure you can receive messages from your Higher Self with all your senses. You have the option to reconnect after the 40 minutes, or take the extra 10 minutes to integrate.
Post session you will receive instructions on spiritual hygiene and how to maintain the benefits of the session.
As a Marconics Level 3 practitioner, I deliver ONLINE No-Touch Energy Healing sessions, as well as Quantum Recalibration with Integrated Chakra Unification (IN-PERSON).
While No-Touch Healing can be used as an on going therapy to incrementally raise your vibration and receive incredible benefits, the Quantum Recalibration with Integrated Chakra Unification on the other hand is a permanent upgrade. The ICU involves a psychic surgery to clear the karma and restore the multidimensional chakra system, which includes fully activated galactic chakras and higher functioning thymus, pineal and pituitary glands. The Recalibration permanently plugs you back into the Universal Matrix, activates code within the DNA, and the light body is upgraded to the Quantum Merkaba. Please check out the Marconics Recalibration page for more details.
In order to experience life in the third dimension – in linear time, in density and duality - your soul was phase locked for the purposes of manifestation on the material plane. Now, as you engage in the alchemical process of transcending the programming of the third dimensional reality matrix, you can overcome that phase locking to align with the resonance of your own personal heaven on Earth.
As we move forward in the Shift, our human bodies are being Upgraded to cope with Higher Dimensional Light Frequencies. Marconic Energy carries for Ascension Frequency of 144,000. It holds the 13th code which is a DNA Activation bringing us into alignment with our Soul Level Identities.
You can read more on the Marconics Website.